Tuesday, August 09, 2005

On the Way Home After Lunch at Sunshine City

Here's a snapshot of the life of a mom in Japan. Erika has two so she's actually got more to deal with than me, but you can still imagine what I do almost daily by looking at this picture...remove Koji from stroller, attach him to the handrail of the staircase with many admonitions of "careful! hang on to that rail! you can do it!" and so on. run down (or up) stairs with stroller while trying not to crash into people and craning neck to check Koji's progress. run back to help, only to be held off with an outstretched "STOP" hand sign and shrieks of "jibun yaru" (Do myself)...fun times for all!
posted by jcm

1 comment:

Jane said...

Makes it touch when you hoped to "run" to catch the next train. Guess that option is not so easily exercised.