Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Maybe I Will and Maybe I Won't

Tomorrow morning we're off to Aogu's birthplace, Kumamoto, Kyushu, a larger city on the southernmost big island in Japan. That is, Okinawa is further south, but it's not big. Got it? Our reason for this trip is that Aogu needs to re-connect with his roots. Ha! Can you imagine? No, actually we're going to visit Aogu's sister and some of his other relatives, and it has been ten years since he's been back to his home-town. So maybe the thing about him re-connecting with his roots isn't a joke after all. I'll have to get back to you.

So if I were a more informed and organized type, I would have figured out how to make a bunch of posts to post themselves while I'm away from my computer. Alas, I am neither of the above. Therefore, this may be the last you'll hear of me for the next week. Or, if we're less crazy busy that I expect, and if my sister-in-law's internet connection is fast, then you may hear from me, live from Kyushu.

To soften the pain of possible impending temporary separation, here's a best ever photo of Koji (and all the random photos posted below, what a hard worker I am!). Sure, I'm totally biased, but even you have to admit that pictures of the kid smiling are rare, few and far between, nay, nearly nonexistent! Yes, he needs a haircut. If it happens in Kumamoto, which is what I hope, it'll be his third haircut ever!


Anonymous said...

That is indeed a cute smile :-)

erika jane said...

smiling AND looking at the camera--yeah!