Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Book Report

In the warped "order" of my mind is this thought: "Gotta clean up that pile of books in the corner. Can't move that pile until I blog that I read those books..."

See how blogging is actually "cleaning". Um, yeah, just want to give myself credit for cleaning in a pathetic attempt to pretend that I ever actually do it.

On to the book report. Within the last couple of weeks, these are the books that I read, not necessarily in the order that I read them.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time is written from the perspective of a English teenaged boy who has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. He's a very intelligent boy as far as mathematics, but not so advanced in all things emotional. Though this is novel and not a scientific study, it was fascinating to look at the world through the eyes of the boy and gain a better understanding of autism. As always with books I really enjoy, I wish I hadn't read it so fast.

I read these two books by Nancy Wilson. They concern motherhood and wife-hood, respectively. Ms. Wilson challenges the reader to be respectful of her husband and home-centered. Good ideas. Much easier said than done. Help me, Lord!

Leaving the Saints by Martha Beck was a disappointment after Expecting Adam. It didn't help that my frame of mind while reading was much different: when I read Expecting Adam, I didn't know a thing about Martha Beck. Before I read Leaving the Saints, I heard that she is divorced and homosexual now? (not trying to spread false rumors...this is what my friend told me and I haven't fact checked it but this is my blog, not a newspaper article, so maybe I'm OK?) which naturally colored my impressions of the book. It's hard to know which parts of the book are true and which parts are her interpretation; having said that, I do believe that Mormonism is NOT Christianity and is NOT the way to eternal life with Jesus. So the vicarious glimpse behind those mysterious temple doors was informative.

A couple years behind the "in" time to read it, I finally got around to this book by John Piper. Great, challenging book. Since I read it too fast, no surprise, I want to read it again and then do it!

Phew. *wipes sweat from brow* Now I can go put this pile away.


Anonymous said...

I just read some of the first chapter of the Piper book you recommended Jamie. For anyone interested, the Amazon.com link posted by Jamie has a link further down that says 'read the first chapter', gives a good feel of the book in question.

Jane said...

Hey, Jamie, thanks for the great book reports. Very interesting! I always love to know what you're reading. You may remember that when you were in second grade you won the "most books read" award. Some things never change. From about that time in your life, I attempted to "preview" your reading material. I think I gave that up by the time you were in fifth grade.

BTW, Sam Glass gave Craig "this book" (Don't waste your Life) for Christmas. It's one of my next intended reads. I just finished "Gadzooks" the story of Dr. James Dobson. VERY good. Highly recommended. Excuse me for butting in on YOUR blog to do my own book report.

Glad you can now to put your pile away. :-) Good job!