Sunday, March 26, 2006


仰司が寝る前に毎日明日の計画を教えてくれます。 今日の発表はこのとおりでした:

[明日ミルクのんで、おしっこして、飛行機に乗って、シュウッ~と行って、Ollie (いとこ)とGrandpa Craig の家に行こうね!]


Every night before Koji goes to bed, he lets me know about tomorrow's plan. His announcement for tonight went something like this:

"Tomorrow let's drink some milk, go pee, get on a plane, fly with a "whoosh!" and go to Ollie and Grandpa Craig's house!"

Sounds like fun, right?!

1 comment:

Jane said...

How absolutely charming that boy is. I can just imagine his announcements. They reminded me of "speeches." If it were only that simple to get to Grandpa Craig's house.

Ollie has been making the same speeches about getting on a plane to go to Aunt Jamie's house. He didn't say about the milk. . .or the pee.