...and when I say little, I mean it. We took her in for her first doctor visit this afternoon, and she was pronounced in good health, praise God! But we also found out that she now weighs 6 pounds, 10 ounces (2749 g). Yikes! I am feeding her, I promise. At that size, she's probably burning more calories than she takes in just with the act of eating. Which leads me to mention that thankfully she is getting much better at nursing, and I am too. Therefore, hopefully we can meet her doctor's goal for her, which is that she will gain five ounces (14 g) by her next weigh-in on Tuesday next week.

As you can see, Koji made himself quite at home in the hospital...

Here's one of his first "big brother" moments. He's been doing well at the job since, too, though he does have moments of not understanding why he has to share. Oh yeah, he had those before she was born, too.

What a smart daughter we have! Here she is making the same face as Papa at just over 24 hours old... :-)

As I said, Koji's on his way to being a great big brother, but whether Izumi knows that or not is a different question.

Though we don't prefer bottle-feeding, it could be that we'll ultimately be thankful she's able to switch back and forth between bottle and breast. So far she's able and hopefully it's a skill she'll keep. I may need to take advantage of it in a few weeks...or days?!

This was the scene in our car once we were finally released from the hospital on Monday afternoon. Izumi did well on her first car ride; I was the one who needed a refresher course in the use of a carrier car seat!
Hello little fountain!
Yes! gain weight!
Koji's expressions are priceless!
THANKS for all the great pictures!
Just beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you.
Just beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you.
Just beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you.
hey jamie, happy to see all the pictures and commentary up. isn't it nice the completely new big brother consciousness and sensitivity they get? beautiful baby. omedetou.
Hi Izumi!
Welcome to this word! You look so beautiful, just like your mom!
We pray that you be a good girl & grow healthy & make your family & God happy!
Hi Jamie!
Well done girl! I`m proud of you! It`s so great to see your pictures & read about your labour! I will keep reading your up-dates!
I`m glad everything went well & you are now a mom of 2 wonderful kids!
I miss you here in Japan! I really sometimes wish you would be here & do ministry together!
You are a great woman & friend and we hope to see you & your family soon again.
Bless ya and take good care!
Pati & Co.
By the way: Izumi - nice name!
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