Izumi Marie was born on Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 5:16 am weighing 7 lbs. (3185 grams), measuring 20 1/4 inches (51 cm)with her knotted umbilical cord wrapped three times around her neck. So we praise God for preserving her life, both before and after her quick and somewhat stressful birth! I'm also thankful that I was able to carry through with my VBAC attempt...if you know what VBAC is then rejoice with me; if you don't know then maybe you don't want or need to know?! Anyway, I have to go feed the baby so no more words; here's the story so far in pictures.

This must have been taken after we got to the hospital, before Izumi was born but after I had the epidural (which I wasn't planning to have but am so glad I did; "leg labor" pain was way too much for me and I just didn't see a way to make it from 6 cm to 10 without some "pain management").

As I mentioned, Izumi was a little traumatized at birth, so she had to spend her first 36 hours or so in the ISCU (Infant Special Care Unit). But she doesn't look too upset about it, though I was...but she's home with us now. More soon, gotta go feed the new Boss Lady!
What a precious little girl! Congratulations and praise GOD for a healthy baby and delivery! We rejoice with you wholeheartedly and are so thankful!
P.S. Where does the emphasis go on her name? EEE zu mi? i ZOOO mi? i zu MEEEE?
Jamie. . .you look good even in your pre-delivery, post-epidural state!
And Izumi Marie, we thank our Father in heaven that you are here. Can't wait to give you a million hugs and kisses. gma
Welcome Little Izumi!!
We are all so glad you decided to join us in such a timely manner!
Congrats, Matsuokas!
Lots of love to you all,
The Fuller Family
Congratulations!!! She's so precious! And the VBAC,...you go girl! :)
I am PROUD of you Jamie!!
She is the loveliest thing ever.
Praise God for his blessing and care of both of you :)
Hello Izumi!! Nice to meet you. I am glad I now have someone my age to play with. Let's get together for milk sometime.
yeah, that's awesome about the vbac
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