Sunday, July 10, 2005

Here's Where It Started: Circa 1976

As you'll note in the comments, my mom still has this bedspread that my sister and I laid on when I was three and she was less than one so we could have a book read to us. My mom's triceps must have been something in those days (er, I'm sure they're great now too, right mom?!) because I have a suspicious we were in this position quite a lot. So now you know where the love of reading I was referring to--obsessing about?!--yesterday came from! Posted by Picasa


Jane said...

Love those precious memories! We still have that bedspread! :-)

Jamie Lives in Tokyo said...

we do?! maybe next time we're there, you and Ollie and Koji can lay on it and "re-create" this picture! :=)

Jane said...

Wow, what a great idea!!! Let's! Also I've been wishing that I could "beam" you some books! Alas, the "beaming" option exists only in star trek! xox

Jamie Lives in Tokyo said...

so Laurs do you think we should do something to try and preserve this bedspread? or just let it go and see how long it lasts?!