Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Beard Papa

Fortunately, the bus we rode today was a "Non-Step" bus. Good thing, who wants their bus stepping when everyone knows buses are much better at rolling along on their tires! Strollers are better at rolling, too, which is why I am now a fan of this type of bus. You see, one doesn't need to step to board the bus, because the floor of the bus is level with the curb.
Is it absurd to compare this type of bus with "caffeine-less" coffee?
If you are amused and intrigued by these examples of mangled English, please take a few minutes with . You should get a more complete picture of what we see daily.
Have you already figured out that Beard Papa is the name of a shop that sells cream puffs? Of course not! They must be pretty tasty, whatever their name is, because the line to buy one was so long that I couldn't stand to wait in it. I'll take a bite of Beard Papa next time.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Beard Papa takes over the world!