Sunday, March 11, 2007

Aogu at Work

This is to remind us of what Aogu looks like at work. We need a visual aid, since he left today for two weeks in Tokyo. One week away has become somewhat acceptable, but I always thought two would be justification for the family to go along. And we almost did, but since he'll be kicking off a new project (in other words, super busy and out late every night) and since Koji would have to miss two weeks of school, even I had to admit that it just didn't make sense.
Pray for us, please! The next two weeks should be interesting...


Jane said...

Hi looks so handsome and official. Wow, two weeks. I am praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the two week road trip for Dad. How well I remember it! I found that phone calls with friends, the occasional cup of tea with a friend or neighbor who had kids my kids liked to play with, strategic use of favorite meals (let's hear it for mac 'n' cheese)all helped. Isolation was never my friend, so I worked against it hard. A new book or thick magazine for bedtime reading was often a good $7 investment in my own sanity. And toward the end, the kids and I would make welcome home things for Daddy. That was a hit :-) Cindy N.