Tuesday, October 02, 2012


We had an old friend over tonight, one of the oldest friends we have. She's still young, a mere 28 in terms of how she feels (I feel that way too).  Truth is, we met when we were all in junior high school together.
Anyway, she brought her little guy with her. He's 15 months and pictured here, with Izumi. All my kids were so great with him, I was nearly tempted to have another baby. I said nearly. If you, dear reader out there somewhere, think having another baby is a great idea for us, you may be right. Or you may be crazy. Yes, I am now quoting Billy Joel and utterly giving away the fact that I'm nowhere near 28.
Wow. I am way off track. My point is this: I enjoy having friends here for dinner but it seems the only time we do it is when someone is visiting from out of town. What about our in town friends? Just as we don't invite them over often enough, so have I been neglecting this little writer's outlet of mine.  I'd like to change that this month.
Please stay tuned!

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